RE-BOTS are created from old and discarded items that no one wants anymore. I’ve always enjoyed creating things and finding new uses for items they were never intended for. Old, broken, and discarded items are given new lives.
While all the Re-Bots have been adopted by fine citizens in multiple states (and countries), you can always get a print on that empty wall. Look below your bot of choice and follow the link. You can also contact me about commissioned pieces!

Hawkeye Thermon
Hawkeye has spent the greater part of his life running from a perceived government conspiracy about some shredded documents he saw in his youth. In actuality it was merely a stack of crumpled Taco Bell receipts and magazine subscription cards, but he’s convinced it was a cover up for an international plot against dairy farmers. He enjoys reading, a nice cold soup, and good hiding places with multiple exits.

Haversham Buttlesworth
Haversham has a long, and storied, history as a world-class butler. From royal families to wealthy oil magnates, Haversham has been tasked with secrets no human should ever know. He also secretly loves monster trucks and cheese popcorn.

Fog Charcowicz
Fog has a bit of a balance issue with his high center of gravity. That poor balance coupled with his inner ear problem dashed his dreams of playing in the NBA. He spends his time making origami pandas and as a volunteer fireman. He also like to read books to his dogs.

Raoul Arvin
Raoul is an HVAC repairman from Connecticut. There is no one in the tri-state area better at complicated ducting and heat exchanger repair. Raoul spends his evening making ducttape chochkis to sell at craft fairs–wallets, purses, outfits, small animals, and furniture. He even made a full scale Nativity scene for a local church. He also has a weekly bocce game and is deathly afraid of the dark.

Hooter McGavin
This is Hooter McGavin. He enjoys golf and the legal system. Hooter has been accused of being a bit of a jerk at times, mostly because he is very sensitive about his legs. He hopes to one day run an eyebrow wax manufacturing company.

Wesley Crusher
Wesley is a professed and card-carrying super nerd. His vast comic book collection and aversion to bright sun have kept him indoors. He works as an online chat moderator for several cooking company websites. In high school, he was voted “Mostly Likely to Pass Out From Being Tickled.”

Bixby R. Mitchell
Bixby received his formal education at Oxford. Despite his openly friendly demeanor and polished manners, his passion is bare knuckle boxing. He once fought a kangaroo for a charity exhibition, winning by knockout in the 4th round, then revived the kangaroo and shared a bottle of single-malt scotch. Bixby also holds 4 titles in mustache competitions.

Gordon K. Lumensberry
Despite his success as a masterful litigation attorney, Gordon has a difficult time in social situations. Not because he is shy, but because he is the consummate “one-upper.” If someone has done it, Gordon has done it better, or faster, or while on fire. He is a trained sommelier, scuba dive master, and award winning beekeeper. And a world class jerk.

Nicolas Buttlesworth
Nicolas follows in his “brother” Haversham’s footsteps in dignitarian service. His impressive upper body strength makes him a favorite for moving heavy bags and opening difficult pickle jars. When not serving the elite, he enjoys watercolor painting, Russian literature, and quietly celebrates Jean Claude Van Damme’s entire catalog of cinema.

Benjamin “Big Ben” Yorkshiresen
Big Ben began his career in auto racing as the head timekeeper at a small drag racing track in Arkansas. His career was limited to one race, where he mistook the drag chute button for the gas pedal. He now manages the track. He is an active member of a Rachael Ray fansite and boasts an impressive collection of hand-made miniature “Cosby Sweaters.”

Skip Casey Jr.
Skip is one of the finest short-order cooks in South Dakota. There’s no one that can flip burgers and flapjacks like Skip. Skip secretly yearns to be a stand-up comic. He spends hours in his bathroom working on impressions of famous politicians, movie stars, and household appliances. He loves wine in boxes, bubble paper insulation, and kung-fu movies.

Hansel Von Insul
Hansel is an Executive Pastry Chef in Belgium. Some find his passionate methods for achieving the flakiest of crusts unconventional and potentially dangerous. Despite some questionable photos surfacing of him at work, he remains the preeminent pastry chef in Europe. He is also a master at poker, competition waterskier, and breeds Shetland ponies for racing.

Spencer Krinklebee
Spencer owns an ice skating rink in Albuquerque. He always wanted to be a pro hockey player, but his lack of depth perception was devastating to his slapshot. Everyday he rides the zamboni listening to “Endless Love” for an hour before he opens the rink. He once ate a bag of packing peanuts on a dare, but would have done it anyways.

Lenny Sharpe
Lenny is the top salesman at a used office furniture depot in Montana. 13 months in a row–a new record. He once sold 17 rolling desk chairs to a family of beavers. He loves snowshoeing, early Peruvian pottery, and is never without Swedish Fish. Ever. He believes they are the source of his selling abilities.

Andrew Tartan
Andrew wants to be a personal trainer to wealthy housewives in California. He’s one of those guys you see in the gym that only works out his upper body because “chicks don’t care about legs, bro.” Andrew spent most of high school stuck in a locker. He also has a secret stash of My Little Ponies and is a chatroom moderator on a Bronies message board.

Artemis Klondike
Artemis is the captain of the ship “The Prancing Donkey.” He is the captain, the engineer, the cook, deck boss, and, most importantly, the ship’s nightly entertainment. He regales his passengers with his critically acclaimed finger puppet show. Artemis claims he is in a relationship with a Russian model. He also builds scale miniature ships in a bottle, which he sells on etsy to go in larger scale ships in a bottle.

Nelson Keystones, Ph.D
Nelson was once a world-leading astrophysicist. He spent hours toiling in the lab attempting to rewrite quantum mechanics. He had no social life. One night, he slipped on an abacus and hit his head. When he awoke, he couldn’t remember anything of his life. Now he gives really good hugs and hosts a karaoke/trivia night at 3 local bars.

Evan and Kevin Raunderflügal
The Raunderflügal twins couldn’t be any more different. That has not stopped them from becoming a rising force in competitive ice dancing. Considered the most progressive team in the sport, their movements are never out of sync. Evan is 4 seconds older than Kevin, which he never lets Kevin forget by always demanding to lead. When not on the ice, the twins run a small business that makes wire hangers.

Seamus Cornwallis Briggs
Seamus is a vacuum mechanic in Trenton, NJ. He loves grilled cheese sandwiches, scotch, and firearms. Seamus is the unintentional inventor of the “duckface” popularized in social media. His accidental snapshot of himself in his bathroom leaked onto the internet starting the selfie movement of the last 3 years. He still says that he is not “making a face.”

Brooks B. Stiga
Brooks is a stress-tester for ping pong related products in Germany. He has devoted his entire life to the art of table tennis. He has recorded 10,643 wins in the last year alone. It is said that he spends his off-hours reading. Both hours were spent Amazon reading product reviews.

Herman Linkerdoon
Herman works on oil derricks in the middle of the ocean. He is as salty a leatherneck as the trade has ever seen. What none of his coworkers know is that he was a professional luchador for 12 years in Mexico. No one actually knows where he came from, but his signature move known as “Death’s Tickle Spot” is still considered legendary.

Donald James (Dee Jay) McSalot
Donald James (or D.J.) has spent most of his adult life as an insurance salesman. He doesn’t particularly like it, but it makes him readily available for his Dubstep and Underground House DJing skills. His entire paycheck goes to mixing equipment, vintage vinyl, and packs of Funyons.

Barry and Myrtle Randall
Barry & Myrtle ran into each other at a summer musical theater show. Quite literally. Myrtle hit Barry with her ’86 Tercel in the parking lot before the show. They’ve been together ever since. When not enjoying musical theater, Barry owns and curates a Ketchup Art Museum, and tinkers in his basement with high velocity gravity-powered vehicles. Myrtle is world-renown food critic for carnival food. One day they hope to travel the world in a small pop-up trailer named “Tobacco Road” outfitted with pontoons.

Russell Humboldt
Russel is a lumberjack in Wyoming. In the third grade, he punched a black bear in the face because it looked at his Lunchables. While his ability to chop down trees without an axe makes him hirable, his one true calling is his barbershop quartet – Axe Me No Questions. His hauntingly sweet falsetto “has made the Earth stop spinning for moment and blown apart my mind into a zillion tiny fragments,” according to a moose.
Each illustration is illustrated and then printed on printable material like paper. There are thousands of uses, but I recommend putting it on a wall.

2014 A10 Design Award